Mirvac’s Tullamore project in Doncaster exemplifies how infill residential developments can be sensitively integrated on sites with steep topography and extensive vegetation cover. The 50-hectare former Eastern Golf Course site now includes 300 townhouses and a series of linear parks that closely follow existing tree corridors, into which are inserted amenities for a new community. These new landscape elements are carefully woven into the fabric of the site and include a network of walking trails, boardwalks, nestled playspaces, picnic facilities and water treatment zones.
Winner of the 2021 AILA Victorian Landscape Architecture Award for Parks and Open Space, the 2021 AILA National Landscape Architecture Award for Parks and Open Space, and the 2024 UDIA Masterplanned Communities Award.
National AILA award jury citation: Tullamore Southern Gully Reserve feels like an established suburban community asset as the retention of the existing trees has allowed this parkland to have the character of a much older site. The leadership qualities of the landscape design team have resulted in a high quality, people-centric outcome. The project is notable for its sensitive treatment of topography and the integration of water quality and overland flow issues sets this project apart from more conventional developments. The multitude of different recreational opportunities within the reserve extends its value to the community.